Pre and Post care instructions for microblading and permanent cosmetics
Permanent Cosmetics
TREATMENT TIME: 90-180 Minutes
ANESTHETIC: Topical Numbing, Pro-Nox Gas
The Cosmetics Area may begin to itch on days 5-7. This is a normal healing response. Apply ointment in one direction or tap around the area with your finger to help alleviate the annoyance.
The Cosmetics Area should not flake off until day 6 or 7; if this occurs earlier, then this indicates the area was not kept moist enough.
Once the top layer of your cosmetics begins to peel, the color will look very light. This is much like the process that happens when a scab peels off your skin, and the skin is light underneath. As with the scab, after approximately one week it should start to return to the original skin tone. Your cosmetics will darken by day 14-30, so please be patient. You should have a good idea of the degree of coverage and color by day 30.
Touch-ups cannot be done any earlier than 4 to 6 weeks after the original procedure (8 weeks for lips).
Every person’s skin will respond differently. Some people only require 1 procedure, but on average, permanent cosmetics requires a 2nd “coat” to seal, and even-out any color that has healed out.
Contraindications for Permanent Cosmetics:
Poor Blood Clotting
Keloid Scar on area for cosmetic tattoo
High Blood Pressure
Pregnant and/or Lactating
Allergy to Lidocaine or Benzocaine
Latisse: This medication may cause discoloration of the skin and may decrease the time between touchups.
Lasik: Wait about 3 months for eyeliner procedure. All other PMU procedures are ok.
Cancers/Chemotherapy: Doctor’s clearance may be necessary.
Shingles (Varicella): If you have shingles on your face, wait several months for any procedures. Please contact your doctor to determine the best timeline for your procedure.
Eyelift or Blepharoplasty: Wait about 3 months.
Pinkeye: Wait until the infection has cleared, and medication is completed.
Cold Sores: Clients must take virus medications at least one week prior to lip procedures. You doctor can prescribe medications (i.e., Valtrex or equal)
Avoid anything which will thin your blood for 48 hours prior (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Alcohol, etc.) *Unless prescribed by a physician otherwise.
Note: If blood has been thinned, a 3rd touch-up maybe needed and is a paid visit for a touchup.
Arrive at your appointment with makeup applied as preferred to the procedure area. This helps your technician see your style. Feel free to bring pictures to illustrate what ideas you have in mind.
For Lips: If you have had a cold sore, you will need to contact your doctor or dentist for a prescription of medicines such as Accutane, Zovirax, or Acyclovir such that you can take a regular dosage 1 week before your appointment and 1 week after. If acceptable to the prescribing physician, a 30-count will leave you with enough medicine to repeat this process for your touch-up.
Lash Extensions: Schedule your permanent cosmetic appointment a week before you are due for a fill as the aftercare ointment will loosen some lashes.
Ointment: Fisticuffs Tattoo Balm, CBD Hustle Butter, Bag Balm; A&D Ointment; Burt’s Bees Non-Petroleum. NO coconut oil.
Day 1:
Before the day of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly before gently washing your Permanent Cosmetics site with an unscented antibacterial soap (Mega Purifying Cleanser or Cetaphil). Pat dry with a clean, lint free paper towel, and apply the provided healing ointment (CBD Hustle Butter or A&D Ointment).
Sleep on a clean pillowcase or clean towel, keeping in mind that you might stain your pillowcase or towel with pigment residue, ointment, or residual lymph.
Days 2-14:
Your Permanent Cosmetics site should be treated as an open sore until healed. Please ensure you are using a newly purchased ointment and apply it with thoroughly washed hands and a clean cotton swab.
Apply ointment 4 to 5 times per day, and at least once during the night. DO NOT let the area dry out, as your body will try to create a scab, which will pull out the pigment from your skin.
Keep water off the treated area, as it will cause the color to fall off prematurely. *Tip your head back in the shower and use a washcloth to cleanse your face.
Brows and Lips: Feel free to wipe area with a damp warm washcloth ONLY the first night and the first morning to wipe away the body’s natural lymph fluid. Re-apply a clean layer of ointment. Also, be sure to keep the fringe of your hair away from the treated area.
Eyes: Keep ointment out of your eyes. Each blink washes away trillions of bacteria. Ointment will trap bacteria against your eye and could cause infection. If your eye gets pink or red, rinse with saline solutions and switch ointment to Neosporin for the remaining 7 days. *If redness persists please reach out to us.