Should you be using a facial masque in your routine at home?

By: Our Team


Depending on the type of face mask you’re using and your skincare goals, you may need to use the face mask more or less often. Using a face mask as part of your home skincare routine can be beneficial, as it can provide a concentrated boost of ingredients to address specific skin concerns like dryness, oiliness, or inflammation, and can help other skincare products absorb more effectively; however, it's not strictly necessary and should be used based on your skin needs and desired results so that you are not over exfoliating, or irritating the skin. At Zodiac Spa, we always recommend following the advise of your skincare professional and creating a customized skincare routine with them. 

Some masks, like the ones we use in the treatment rooms are designed to be used during professional facial treatments, not as standalone at-home products, because many of these masks contain potent ingredients that may require expert application to achieve optimal results without irritation. 

Lets look at all the masks we love here at Zodiac Spa, what their key benefits are, and which ones you can love at home between your monthly spa visits. 

Austrailian Super Berry: This lactic and mandelic acid mask is designed to nourish, moisturize, and brighten skin that is dull, dehydrated, and looking a little lack-luster! We love pairing this with the oxygen protocols, an enzyme and other protocols to enhance these benefits. 

Caviar Lime: This gentle mask with burst of antioxidants is safe for all skin types and is safe to use at home for that special at home treatment between facials. This is great paired with the Marshmallow mask! 

Marshmellow mask: Hydrate and sooth all skin types for overall skin improvement. We love to pair this with Hydrolox facial oil and do a hydrating lip treatment. This marshmallow mask is my go to all winter long when I need to relax in a nice warm bath, and hydrate my winter skin. 

Charcoal Detox: there are alot of charcoal masks on the market, and they are definitely not created equal! I am not a fan of the peel off, rip your face off like a wax kind of charcoal mask! This one is used in spa with a special activation spray that uses bamboo charcoal to detox and exfoliate the skin. This mask contains lactobionic and lactic acid, as well as kaolin clay to relieve acne congestion, and prevent breakouts, while squalene helps to heal. 

Time Balancing with Malachite: This mask is a special one with malachite stone that balances the heart chakra, all while optimizing circadian rhythms in the skin, fights oxidative stress that comes from blue light and digital pollutions that are harmful to the skin. I feel like I could use this every day! But if you work in front of a computer or use your phone daily- then you will want to ask for this in your next facial treatment at Zodiac Spa. 

Pumpkin Mask: I knew that pumpkin was a great enzyme and had alot of antioxidant properties, but I did not know that it was also a retinol alternative and a collagen booster! If you have sensitivities to using vitamin A and other retinol products, try a pumpkin facial instead! This mask is safe for all skin types, especially those dealing with acne or aging. It fights off inflammation stress, increases cell turnover, as well as balances oil production. 

Pre & Post Probiotic Mask: This mask contains Royal Tea that protects and restores skin that has suffered cellular damage due to blue light, digital pollution, or that is compromised from inflammation, redness, or sensitivity. This mask supports a healthy microbiome while hydrating and healing.   

Green Tea: This clay masque draws out impurities in the skin as well as acts as a strong anti inflammatory and offers anti-oxidant support. We use this mask for body treatments, detoxing back facials, or to fight off blemishes in our pregnancy acne and other acne facial protocols.  

Red Tea: This kaolin clay masque detoxes and purifies the skin ith anti oxidants, vitamins, and minerals that also hydrate the skin. This is great for skin that is showing signs of dehydration or sun damage. 

There are so many factors to consider when picking the perfect mask and designing a protocol to fit your skin needs, that while there are some masks that are great for home use, it is best to become a member at Zodiac Spa in Herriman, Utah so that you can treat yourself to monthly facials and customize your experience based on what your skin needs that month. 

Just because you aren't masking at home, doesn't mean you shouldn't have a great skincare routine! Having a solid routine at home follows that age old 80/20 rule! Check out my other blog post about an effective skincare routine to find out how you are doing with your at home 80%!  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.